Spring Sample SALE!

It's time for a spring sale!

The capalog spring sample sale poster

Launching wednesday the 5th February at 7pm.

What's in the sale? Before christmas each year I tour the country to makers markets and events with a full stall of cap samples for sale. The sizes and colours I bring is normally based on previous markets and just what sizes come are requested and feedback from customers.

However sometimes it is TOTALLY sods law, whatever was popular last time, isn't this time. As makers we ALL have this! Plus these are all textile waste if they don't find homes, so I like to encourage finding them homes and reducing my textile waste contribution as much as poss.

For you as customers that means a lot of caps that have absolutely no flaws are available at a reduced price, so don't miss it!

All the sample sale caps will be on their own page. You will be able to find a link to them on the homepage and on their own page under cap index. If you can't see it yet, it means they are not live yet. Come back to this blog post also, as I will add a link here too!


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