Shop Indie this Christmas

So with the lockdown in England fully under way and in light of the year we've had across the globe in 2020, it is so important to remember to shop indie this year if possible. Keep those local businesses you normally use open a bit longer.

Below is a list of places I recommend checking out for presents & supporting this year!

Shop indie every xmas

I could go into just how hard it has been to survive this year for so soo many, and trust me I've heard some heartbreaking tales of lovely businesses running for decades crumbling....but to be honest, I think we all know that. Whatever industry or situation you're in. We're all in that boat and will be until covid buggers off.

Quite simply we've likely got several more months to go and we all have to think long term financially. That's more than understandable! 


BUT there are small things that we can do to help each other, and every little helps. So for anyone out there who wants to help, but hasn't figured out how just yet, then this one is for you.

Almost all independent bricks and mortar shops have switched to online if possible. Most local ones are offering delivery too. Also every single little sale really genuinely does help! So if you have ANY local shops then please please look for them online and just have a quick look. Chances are there will be something you can afford and buy.

We need the arts poster

ALSO I want to talk about the main reason to shop indie and quite simply, it's cos you're missing out if you don't & we sorta need it as humans! The main reason why to support indie retail and quite frankly the arts, is that the creative side of life is what gets us through the shit times (besides our loved ones).

We're really lucky having the technology we have these days and the ability to still connect with each other, whilst spending so much time at home and it's generally creatives behind all the things keeping us going.

The creative ones who inspire and create, they're the ones that write all the tv shows that keep us entertained, writing all the books we've turned to more and they're the ones who design beaut things that we wanna buy. Literally ANYTHING you buy or watch will be designed by a product designer or artist somewhere.


Yet the governments haven't been too supportive acknowledging this. They're kinda more on the "traditional job" side of the fence. Which isn't really realistic, there's way too many alternative weird and wonderful jobs these days. Yes there have been arts funds announced across the world, but it's not enough to support everyone. The smaller businesses, they're the ones falling through the gaps. So we have to do it and spread the word. 

So if you can, please please just buy one thing from an indie business, as one of your xmas presents this year.

More importantly, quite simply, you'll find some really fucking nice things, if you look in the right places AND you'll be genuinely helping another human support their families and helping them survive just a tiny bit longer. You won't be lining an already rich ceo's or mp's pocket who is clearly eating a banquet judging by the menu that was shared. Every tiny sale helps and makes a difference.



Don't know where to look? Look up your local independent shop, chances are they will have a website offering online delivery. Support them, order from them directly & they'll probably deliver.

Curated places for makers, these are my top tips for places to check out:

Crafty Fox Market / Shopping With Soul /

-Lovely designer market organisers, next online mega markets coming up on the 5th December. Also hosts of a permanent directory of curated makers, Shopping With Soul. Search the #shoppingwithsoul hashtag for quick links on instagram.

Make More Stuff / Fill Your Stockings

-Maker markets running on multiple weekends over the next month, from the folks formerly known as Northern Craft. Each weekend has a themed geographical region and The Capalog will be going the last weekend in November.

Endless love creative

-Makers market on 21/22nd November. See my previous blog post for more info! But essentially 70 designer makers taking part and covering the whole weekend! Find @endlesslovecreative on instagram for all the info!

Capalog market stall

Urban makers market

-Normally run maker stalls at old spitalfields, but also have a lot of makers online to buy directly from their website.

Just a card

-Awesome supporters of indie shops, running a campaign all week long from 23rd Nov focusing on the idea of just buying something small to show support.

Literally, if everyone who browsed bought just a card, it would mean small businesses can survive. Search the hashtag #justacard or follow them @justacard

Meet the maker

-Instagram campaign running a few weeks ago, but still searchable by the #meetthemaker hashtag, started by @joannehawker a few years back. Now has approx tens of thousands of people taking part every year.

I met some of my closest pals taking part in it, so recommended!

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